pH, concentration, equation balancing & stoichiometry lectures
Select the subject you are interested in from the right menu to see detailed list of lectures on pH calculation, concentration and chemical equation balancing and stoichiometry.
All subjects covered are split into two parts - lectures and questions.
If you have any further questions, or if you want to comment on the approach, or if you don't understand something - feel free to ask.
One day we may start our own forum. As for today the best place to ask your questions is analytical chemistry forum at ChemicalForums. You are welcomed to register there and post. We have a personal union with analytical chemistry forum moderator.
You may also send an email with question using address from out contact page - but we strongly advice to ask your questions in public. Don't be afraid - and remember that your question may lead to the discussion that will help you and others understand better some part of chemistry.
Lectures on the ChemBuddy site are our original, copyrighted work.